A comparison of WebGL and Cloud Pixel Streaming in enterprise use

In order to understand the advantages and disadvantages of WebGL – or Web3D – and pixel streaming in corporate use, it is important to first explain both technologies in simple terms.

WebGL (Web Graphics Library)

This technology makes it possible to display interactive 3D and 2D graphics directly in the web browser without the need for additional plug-ins. It is an extension of the JavaScript programming language. Imagine visiting a website and being able to view a 3D model of a product from all angles directly on this page and interact with it.

Pixel streaming

With this technology, a high-quality, interactive 3D experience running on a powerful server is transmitted to the user’s web browser, similar to video streaming services. The user interacts with the stream, while the actual computing power takes place on the server.

Use cases and advantages


  • Best use cases: product visualizations in e-commerce platforms, interactive educational content, 3D map applications.
  • Advantages: Since WebGL runs directly in the browser, it does not require powerful hardware on the user side and is easily accessible. It offers broad compatibility with different device types and browsers.

Pixel streaming

  • Best use cases: High-quality 3D product demos, interactive training modules in industry, gaming.
  • Advantages: Pixel streaming makes it possible to display very complex and graphically sophisticated 3D models that would not be possible on normal devices. It shifts the computing load to powerful servers.



  • Limited by the performance of the user’s end device. Complex scenes may run less smoothly on less powerful devices.
  • Requires careful optimization for different devices and browsers.

Pixel streaming

  • Higher costs due to the need for powerful servers.
  • Dependent on a stable and fast Internet connection.

Degree of penetration of both technologies

WebGL is widely used because it is easily accessible and compatible with most modern web browsers. Pixel streaming is less common because it places more specific demands on the hardware and Internet connection.

Why WebGL can reach a larger number of users

WebGL is better suited to reach a large number of users because it runs directly in the web browser regardless of the user’s hardware. It is ideal for applications that require broad accessibility, such as online shopping or educational platforms.

ZREALITY as a platform for web apps

ZREALITY is often regarded as one of the best platforms for creating WebGL-based web applications. It provides a user-friendly environment for the development of 3D web experiences and enables companies to create and manage interactive 3D content without in-depth knowledge of 3D programming. With its extensive library of templates and tools, companies can quickly and efficiently create high-quality 3D experiences for their customers. It also offers extensive functionality for creating Virtual AI Assistants.


The choice between WebGL and pixel streaming depends heavily on the specific requirements and goals of the company. While WebGL is valued for its broad accessibility and compatibility, pixel streaming offers unmatched graphics quality and performance for demanding applications.

ZREALITY stands out as a platform that makes it possible to create immersive 3D web experiences with ease, making it an attractive option for organizations that want to reach the maximum number of users and devices and shy away from high cloud server costs.