Bringing brands to life

The startup ZReality offers virtual worlds made to measure

“Virtual reality” is regarded as one of the most forward-looking technologies on the market; it has great potential, not only in the entertainment sector, but also in advertising and product design. Manufacturers such as Audi and Volvo are leading in this field: Instead of presenting a new car in a video and in photos, VR glasses allow people to sit right in a new model and perhaps even go for a ride. It barely gets any better. But such a concept is not created automatically, it is created individually – and that costs time and effort. In order to help companies with the implementation, there are start-ups like the winner of the “Mind & Market” prize at the conference of the same name, which was held last December 13 at the university campus in Belval: ZReality was founded in Germany in 2016 and specializes in creating customized VR content for companies. The company is currently still based in Kaiserslautern, as CEO Michael Neidhöfer explains.

Find out more in the article of the Lëtzebuerger Journal: