Metaverse was yesterday. Zreality creates first platform for Artificial Reality

The best of both worlds: Virtuality meets artificial intelligence. The result is three-dimensional spaces with an unprecedented quality of experience and communication. With Artificial Reality, B2B provider Zreality leaves the classic metaverse behind.

Unforgettable product experiences that inspire and convince – that’s the promise of the latest version of the Zreality Grids platform. It opens up completely new possibilities for raising both product presentation and customer communication to a new level.

Innovative, immersive, and extremely communicative.

Für Anbieter hat das neue Setting gleich mehrere Vorteile. Erstens lassen sich Präsentationsumgebungen in Zukunft noch freier, detailreicher und interaktiver gestalten. So können zum Beispiel auch aktivierende Gamification-Angebote sehr viel überzeugender integriert werden. Zweitens können aus CAD-Daten generierten 3D-Objekte dank KI noch realitätsnäher, haptischer und interaktiver gestaltet werden.

In the future, presentation environments can be designed to be even freer, more detailed and more interactive. For example, activating gamification offers can also be integrated much more convincingly. Secondly, 3D objects generated from CAD data can be made even more realistic, haptic and interactive thanks to AI. Users can therefore interact much more realistically with the objects shown and also communicate with each other together in the same room. And third, human-like AI-controlled avatars can be used to interactively explain near-realistic customer conversations and products in 3D environments. Voice-controlled and knowledgeable, these completely new kinds of assistants can answer customer questions immediately, competently and in detail. In this way, they take over part of the consultation and do a very precise qualification of the incoming inquiries.

As a browser-based offering, the new Artificial Reality is open to all providers and users who have a computer, a smartphone or tablet, and an Internet connection. In this way, Zreality ensures ease of use on the provider side and maximum reach in the target groups.