Prevention of AI hallucinations: A Guide for Dealing with ChatGPT

In this article, we will discuss how to minimize the occurrence of such AI hallucinations when using ChatGPT. In the age of artificial intelligence (AI), chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Virtual AI Assistants have become important tools that help businesses and individuals with a variety of tasks. But despite their impressive power, these AI models can also “hallucinate” – generate information that is in no way related to the data or reality given to them.

1. set clear and specific prompts.

The quality of the output of an AI assistant is often highly dependent on the clarity and specificity of the input. Generic or vague prompts may result in unexpected and possibly inaccurate responses. Therefore, when interacting with ChatGPT, one should be as clear and specific as possible.

2. use of the setting mode

OpenAI offers the possibility to adjust the “temperature” setting of the model. A higher temperature (e.g., 1.0) makes the output more diverse and less predictable, while a lower temperature (e.g., 0.2) makes the output more consistent and focused, but at the expense of diversity. For more precise answers, it may be helpful to use a lower temperature.

3. limit maximum number of tokens

Another strategy to limit hallucinations is to limit the number of tokens the model can generate. If the model has less room to “fantasize,” it is more likely to focus on more relevant and precise answers.

4. repetition of the request

When a hallucination occurs, repeating the request can often be helpful. Rephrasing or slightly changing the prompt may also lead to a more accurate response.

5. monitored fine tuning

A more advanced method of limiting hallucinations is “supervised fine-tuning.” This is a process of training the model on a specific task or data set to better align it with specific requirements or domains. However, this requires significant resources and expertise in machine learning.

6. use of fact-checking tools

For critical applications, it may be helpful to implement an additional fact-checking tool to validate the output of the model. Such tools can reduce the likelihood of misinformation by checking each output against a trusted data source.

7. responsible use

Finally, it is important to keep in mind that despite all the advances and improvements, AI models like ChatGPT are still far from perfect and require human supervision and responsibility. It is important to understand the capabilities and limitations of these models and to use them responsibly.

In summary, avoiding hallucinations when using ChatGPT requires a combination of careful configuration, context-specific training, and responsible use. These strategies allow us to fully exploit the potential of these AI models while minimizing the risk of misinformation.

Preparing data for use in AI like ChatGPT is a complex process that requires a lot of know-how. We are happy to support you. Get in touch with us.