Why is a 3D model of a product better than a video?

In the digital world, technology and innovation have revolutionized the way we display and promote products. Two such methods that are prominent in today’s world are videos and 3D models. While video is a tried and true medium, 3D models have seen a remarkable increase in popularity recently. But why choose a 3D model over a video? Here are some reasons to use 3D models in product presentation.

Interactive experience

Unlike videos, which are linear and passive, 3D models allow users to have an interactive experience. You can view the product from different angles, zoom in to see details, and even “take apart” the product to see how it works. This type of interactivity improves the user’s understanding of the product and allows for deeper engagement with the product.

Realistic representation

3D models can provide a more realistic representation of a product than videos. They can accurately represent light reflections, shadows, and textures, resulting in a lifelike representation of the product. This is especially useful for products where design and aesthetics are critical.


With 3D models, you have the ability to make changes to the product in real time and visualize them immediately. You can try different colors, materials or finishes and see how they would look on the product. For videos, such a change would be time-consuming and expensive, as the video would have to be reshot or edited.

Cost and time saving

Creating a professional product video can be expensive and time-consuming, especially when it comes to elaborate camera work, lighting and post-production. 3D modeling also incurs costs, but after the initial creation, adjustments and changes can usually be made with less effort and cost.

Many of ZREALITY’s customers have created interactive 3D product visualizations and make them available on their websites. Read our Case Studies.

Room for creativity

3D modeling opens up space for more creativity and innovation. Designers can highlight different aspects of the product, try new design elements, or show the product in different environments or contexts. A video is often more limited in this respect.

In summary, 3D models are an effective and appealing way to present products thanks to their interactivity, realism, customizability, cost and time savings, and creative potential. They provide an immersive, in-depth, and personalized product experience that videos often can’t. Nevertheless, should not be disregarded

ZREALITY offers a comprehensive service for converting CAD data into 3D marketing assets that are easily accessible via the web. Contact us today!